This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 6 [Mon, Feb 13th] - Programming Topics

Guidance for the item(s) below:

Most programs need to read from, and write to, files in the hard disk. The topics below cover the Python basics of file reading/writing.


File Paths

A file has a filename and a path. The path specifies the location of a file on the computer, as a hierarchy of folders (also called directories).

File C:\photos\2018\home.jpg

  • Filename: home.jpg
  • Path: C:\photos\2018 (Windows uses the back slash \ as the separator symbol in paths )
  • Folders in the path (C: is called the root folder):
    C: {root}
      └── photos
           └── 2018

Windows file names and paths are not case sensitive: C:\photos\2018\home.jpg is same as C:\PHOTOS\2018\HOME.JPG.  

File /Users/john/home.jpg

  • Filename: home.jpg
  • Path: /Users/john (OS-X/Linux uses the forward slash / as the separator symbol in paths )
  • Folders in the path (the / at the start of the path is considered the root folder):
    / {root}
        └── Users
              └── john

OS-X/Linux file names and paths are case sensitive. /Users/john/home.jpg is NOT the same as /USERS/JOHN/HOME.JPG

The Python module os contains functions for dealing with files and folders. For example, you can use os.getcwd() to get the and os.chdir() to change the working directory to a different location.

This code shows how to print/change current working directory

import os

cwd = os.getcwd() # store current working dir
print(cwd) # print current working dir
os.chdir('C:\\temp\\python') # change dir
print(os.getcwd()) # print current working dir
os.chdir(cwd) # change working dir back to original


Note how the path 'C:\\temp\\python' uses double slash to escape the \. In OS-X or Linux, it can be something like /user/john/python (no need for double slash).

A path that specifies all folders starting from the root is an absolute path. A path that is specified relative to the current working directory is a relative path.

Assume the current working directory is C:\modules\tee3201 and you created a new folder inside it named exercises and put a ex.txt file in that folder.

  • Absolute path of the file: C:\modules\tee3201\exercises\ex1.txt
  • Relative path of the file: exercises\ex1.txt

In a path, you can use the dot . as a shorthand to refer to the current working directory. Similarly, .. can be used to refer to the parent directory.

If the current working directory is C:\modules\tee3201, you can use any of the following to refer to C:\modules\tee3201\exercises\ex1.txt.

  • exercises\ex1.txt
  • .\exercises\ex1.txt
  • ..\tee3201\exercises\ex1.txt
  • ..\..\modules\tee3201\exercises\ex1.txt

another example

You can use os.makedirs() function to create folders and os.removedirs() to delete folders.

Example code showing how to create/delete directories

os.chdir('..') # go to parent dir


os.path module has many functions that can help with paths. For example, os.paths.join() function can be used to generate file path that matches the current operating system.

Consider the code below:

cwd = os.getcwd()
print(os.path.join(cwd, 'ex', 'w2'))

If you run it on a Windows computer in the folder C:\modules\tee3201, it prints C:\modules\tee3201\ex\w2.
If your run it on a OS-X computer in the folder /Users/john, it prints /Users/john/ex/w2.

To ensure that your code can work on any OS, you are advised to use os.path.join() function instead of hard-coding the .

contrasting hard-coding the separator vs using os.path.join():

  • Bad (Works only on Windows):
  • Good (Works on both Windows and OS-X):
    os.makedirs(os.path.join('ex', 'w1'))

Exercise: Create Directory

Exercise : Create Directory

Complete the functions given below, to behave as described by their docstrings, so that the code produces the given output.

import os

def create_dir(dir_name):
  """Create a directory dir_name in the current working directory
  If the current directory is c:/foo/, create_dir('bar') creates 
  a c:/foo/bar directory.
def change_dir(relative_path):
  """Change to the directory dir_name relative to the current working directory
  If the current directory is c:/foo/, change_dir('bar') changes 
  current working directory to c:/foo/bar
def print_current():
  """Print current working directory"""
def change_to_parent_dir():
  """Change to the parent directry of the current working directory
  If the current directory is c:/foo/bar, change_to_parent_dir() changes 
  the working directory to c:/foo/
def check(dir_name):

output when run in


Partial solution

Reading from Files

This section focuses on reading from text-based files (i.e., not binary files).

There are three steps to reading files in Python:

  • Call the open() function to receive a File object.
  • Call the read() method on the File object to receive file content.
  • Close the file by calling the close() method on the File object.

The code below shows how to read from a text file.

file_path = os.path.join('data', 'items.txt')
f = open(file_path, 'r') # open in read mode
items =

Output (contents of the items.txt):

first line
second line
third line

The 'r' argument in open(file_path, 'r') indicates that the file should be opened .

It is also possible to read the file content as a list of lines, using the readlines() method.

The code below shows how to read file content as a list of lines.

file_path = os.path.join('data', 'items.txt')
f = open(file_path, 'r')
items = f.readlines()
print(items) # print as a list
for i in items: # print each item
  print(i.strip()) # use strip() to remove linebreak at the end of each line

['first line\n', 'second line\n', 'third line\n']
first line
second line
third line

Note how each line ends with a \n which represents the line break. It can be removed using the strip() method.

Exercise: File Stats

Exercise : File Stats

Complete the functions given below, to behave as described by their docstrings, so that the code produces the given output.

def get_file_content_as_list(filename):
  """Return content of the file as a list of lines
  The file is expected to be in the current working directory.
  The lines in the list contains trailing line breaks.
  If the a.txt has two lines 'aaa' and 'bbb', 
  get_file_content_as_list('a.txt') returns ['aaa\n', 'bbb']

def get_file_stats(contents):
  """Given a list of lines, return line count and letter count as a dictionary
  Trailing line breaks (if any) are not counted for letter count.
  Spaces, even trailing spaces, are counted for letter count.
  get_stats(['aaa\n', 'bbb']) returns {'lines': 2, 'letters': 6}
  stats = []
  return stats

def analyze_file(filename):
  contents_as_list = get_file_content_as_list(filename)
  print('lines in file:', contents_as_list)
  stats = get_file_stats(contents_as_list)
  print('It has', stats[0], 'lines containing', stats[1], 'letters')


file1.txt (2 lines, 22 letters):

aaa bbb ccc
ddd eee fff

file2.txt (4 lines, 10 letters -- note: the last line has a trailing space, which adds up to 10 letters):


lines in file: ['aaa bbb ccc\n', 'ddd eee fff']
It has 2 lines containing 22 letters
lines in file: ['a\n', 'bb\n', 'ccc\n', 'ddd ']
It has 4 lines containing 10 letters

💡 Tips

Partial solution

Writing to Files

Similar to reading from a file, writing to a file too is a three step process. One main difference is the file needs to be opened in the write mode.

The code below shows how to write to a text file.

file_path = os.path.join('data', 'items.txt')
f = open(file_path, 'w')  # open in write mode
f.write('first line\n')
f.write('second line\n')

contents of the items.txt:

first line
second line
  • The 'w' argument indicates that the file should be opened in write mode.
  • Unlike the print() function that prints content in a new line every time, the write function does not add an automatic line break at the end. You need to add a \n at each place you want a line break to appear in the file.

To preserve original content and add to it, open the file in append mode. That is because opening a file in write mode and writing to it results in overwriting the content of the file contained before it was opened.

The code below shows how to append to a file.

f = open(file_path, 'a')  # open in append mode
f.write('third line\n')

contents of the items.txt:

first line
second line
third line

Exercise: Add Line Numbers

Exercise : Add Line Numbers

Complete the functions given below, to behave as described by their docstrings, so that the code produces the given output. Only one function needs to be modified.

def get_file_content_as_list(filename):
  """Return content of the file as a list of lines
  The file is expected to be in the current working directory.
  The lines in the list contains trailing line breaks.
  If the a.txt has two lines 'aaa' and 'bbb', 
  get_file_content_as_list('a.txt') returns ['aaa\n', 'bbb']
  f = open(filename, 'r')
  lines = f.readlines()
  return lines
def write_with_line_numbers(lines, filename):
  """Write the strings in lines to the file filename, after adding a line number to each line.
  write_with_line_numbers(['aaa\n', 'bbb'], 'out.txt') writes the following content to out.txt
  1. aaa
  2. bbb

def process_file(sourcefile, targetfile):
  """Copy the text in sourcefile to targetfile, but also add line numbers to each line.
  Assume a.txt has the following text:
  process_file('a.txt', 'b.txt') results in b.txt having the following text:
  1. aaa
  2. bbb
  contents = get_file_content_as_list(sourcefile)
  write_with_line_numbers(contents, targetfile)
process_file('file1a.txt', 'file1b.txt')
process_file('file2a.txt', 'file2b.txt')


first line

second line
third line


hang in there

['1. first line\n', '2. \n', '3. second line\n', '4. third line']
['1. hang in there']

Partial solution

CSV files

CSV files are often used as a simple way to save spreadsheet-like data. Each line in a CSV file represents a row in the spreadsheet, and commas separate the cells in the row. They usually have the .csv extension and can be opened in spreadsheet programs such as Excel or in any text editor.

Here is the content of a simple CSV file (click here to download a copy) and how it looks like when opened in Excel.

4/11/2017,Alice Bee,4
5/11/2017,Chris Ding,12
5/11/2017,Brenda Chew,13
6/11/2017,Dan Pillai,5


If a value itself contains a comma e.g., Foo, Emily, it can be enclosed in double quotes e.g., "Foo, Emily", to prevent it being misinterpreted as multiple values.

This example shows how to use double quotes to handle commas inside a value:

  • 7/11/2017,"Foo, Emily",5 interpreted as three values: 7/11/2017 and Foo, Emily and 5
  • 7/11/2017,Foo, Emily,5 interpreted as four values: 7/11/2017 and Foo and Emily and 5

Python has an in-built module named csv that provides functions to deal with CSV files more conveniently, although CSV files are text files that can be read/written using normal file access techniques covered earlier. For example, Python provides a way to read a CSV file as a Reader object that knows how to interpret a CSV file.

The code below shows how to use the csv module to read contents of a CSV file named deliveries.csv:

import csv

deliveries_file = open('deliveries.csv') # open file
deliveries_reader = csv.reader(deliveries_file) # create a Reader
for row in deliveries_reader: # access each line using the Reader
deliveries_file.close() # close file

['4/11/2017', 'Alice Bee', '4']
['5/11/2017', 'Chris Ding', '12']
['5/11/2017', 'Brenda Chew', '13']
['6/11/2017', 'Dan Pillai', '5']

As you can see, Reader object returns content of a line as a list object with the value of each cell as an item in the list. Replacing the line,


... with the following line,

print('Date:', row[0], '\tRecipient:', row[1], '\tQuantity:', row[2] )

... will give you the output shown below:

Date: 4/11/2017 	Recipient: Alice Bee 	Quantity: 4
Date: 5/11/2017 	Recipient: Chris Ding 	Quantity: 12
Date: 5/11/2017 	Recipient: Brenda Chew 	Quantity: 13
Date: 6/11/2017 	Recipient: Dan Pillai 	Quantity: 5

Note that all values read from a CSV files come as strings. If they are meant to represent other types, you need to convert the string to the correct type first.

In this example the 3rd value of each row is converted to an int before adding them up.

deliveries_file = open('deliveries.csv')
deliveries_reader = csv.reader(deliveries_file)
total = 0
for row in deliveries_reader:
  # convert 3rd cell to an int and add to total
  total = total + int(row[2])

print('Total quantity delivered:', total)

Total quantity delivered: 34

The csv module also provide an easy way to write to CSV files, one row at a time, using a Writer object.

The code below writes two rows to the pricelist.csv file.

output_file = open('pricelist.csv', 'w', newline='') # open file in write mode
output_writer = csv.writer(output_file) # get a Writer object
output_writer.writerow(['apples', '1', '1.5', 'True']) # write one row
output_writer.writerow(['bananas', '3', '2.0', 'False']) # write another row
output_file.close() # close file

The pricelist.csv file will now contain:

  • You can open a file in append mode if you want to append to it instead of overwriting current content.
    e.g., output_file = open('pricelist.csv', 'a', newline='')
  • The keyword argument newline='' need to be used when opening a CSV file in Windows. The reasoning behind it is too complicated to explain here.

Exercise: Calcluate GST

Exercise : Calculate GST

Suppose there is a CSV file in this format:


"pens, pencils", 5.0

item price
book 10.0
bag 50.0
pens, pencils 5.0

Write a program to calculate GST for each item at 7% and give the value as an additional column. The output should be in a new file.


"pens, pencils",5.0,0.35

item price GST
book 10.0 0.7
bag 50.0 3.5
pens, pencils 5.0 0.35

Start with the following code:

import csv

def calculate_GST(source_file, target_file):
  """Read the data from the CSV file source_file and write 
  the data, including the calculated GST values, to the CSV file target_file
  input_lines = read_csv_lines(source_file)
  updated_lines = []
  write_to_csv_file(updated_lines, target_file)
def read_csv_lines(filename):
  """Return the values in the csv file (specified by the filename) as a list of lists
  each list representing a row of the file.
  Example: If the file file1.csv has the following contents,
  read_csv_lines('file1.csv') returns [['item', 'price'], ['book', '10.0']]
def write_to_csv_file(lines, filename):
  """Write the given lines (a list of lists) to the CSV file (specified by filename)
  write_to_csv_file([['item', 'price', 'GST'], ['book', '10.0', '0.7']], 'file2.txt')

def process(source_file, target_file):
  calculate_GST(source_file, target_file)
process('itemlist1.csv', 'updated_itemlist1.csv')
process('itemlist2.csv', 'updated_itemlist2.csv')



You can use the built-in function round to round floating point numbers to a specific number of decimal places. e.g.,

  • round(1.98, 1) rounds 1.98 to one decimal place, giving you 2.0
  • round(1.234, 2) gives 1.23 and round(1.2, 1) gives 1.2

Guidance for the item(s) below:

You are already familiar with, which can be considered an online IDE with limited features. It is now time to learn a non-online IDE which often can do more things than an online IDE.

We recommend you use an IDE for your project work from now on. The topics below describe two possible options: IDLE (lighter, simpler) and PyCharm (heavier, more powerful).

Appendix B: Using an IDE

There are several Python IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) that you can use to manage a Python programming project.

If you have not done so already, install Python in your Computer.

The standard Python installation comes with a basic IDE called IDLE. It can be used to write, run, and debug Python code.

PyCharm is a more sophisticated IDE that is widely used. PyCharm has a free community edition. The professional edition too is free for students.

Installing and setting up PyCharm

PyCharm's own documentation on setting up your first project in PyCharm is given here.

Exercise: Setup a Project in PyCharm

Exercise : Setup a Project in PyCharm

  1. Install Python and PyCharm if you haven't done so already.
  2. Start PyCharm and click on the Create New Project option.
  3. In the next screen, specify that as the project location.
  4. You can accept defaults for the remaining steps.
  5. To add a new file, right-click on project name and choose NewPython File. Provide a file name in the next screen. E.g.,
  6. Type your code in the file.

    Here is an example:
    greeting = 'hello'
    def print_greeting(name):
        message = greeting + ' ' + name
  7. To run the code, Right-click on project name and choose Run 'filename'.
  8. The output will appear in the panel at the bottom of the IDE.

Debugging in PyCharm

PyCharm's own documentation on debugging code in PyCharm is given here.

Exercise: Debug a Project in PyCharm

Exercise : Debug a Project in PyCharm

  1. Open a project in PyCharm. Go to a project file containing Python code.
  2. To create a breakpoint at a statement, click on the next to the line. A red dot should appear to indicate that the breakpoint has been set. You can remove the breakpoint by clicking on the red dot again.
  3. To start debugging, choose Debug instead of Run.
  4. The execution will pause at the first breakpoint. Use the debugging buttons to step through the code. You can see the , choose Debug instead of Run. You can see the value of the variables in the debugger Window, in the area below the debugging buttons.

    Useful buttons:
    • Step over: executes the statement and moves to the next statement
    • Step in: goes into the function that is called in the current statement.
    • Step out: finish executing the current function and goes back to the code that called the function.