This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
Week 11 [Mon, Mar 27th] - Tasks
Submit weekly quiz
Do weekly project increments: Add Level 14. Add a GUI or the individual feature.
1 Submit weekly quiz
As usual
2 Do weekly project increments
Option 1: Add the following project increment. This is option is the harder of the two options; it's meant for students who wish to push harder in the project or who wish to learn GUI programming in particular.
Programming Level 14. Add a GUI
Option 2: Add the allocated individual feature.
Note that a very minimal implementation of the feature is good enough.
Steps to find the feature you should implement:
First, take the last digit of your student number. For example, if your student number is A0123456H, the last digit is 6.
Then, find the matching row in the table below. That row gives you three choices.
You may implement any one of the three choices. Click on the link to find details of the feature.
The expected amount of work for this option is about 1/4 to 1/3 of the amount of code you have written so far in the project.