This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Appendix C: Organizing Python Code

You can organize the code as multiple files. Python considers each file as a module. To use a function/class in one file from another, you need to import it first.

Consider the following two files residing in the same directory.


def describe(name):
    print(name, 'is a student')


import student


Notice how the imports the student module and uses the student.describe function defined in the file.

You can organize files into sub-directories too.

Consider the following two files.


def print_as_list(text):


from utils.print_utils import misc 


Notice how the import statement uses a slightly different syntax and uses . to indicate directory nesting (i.e., utils/print_utilsutils.print_utils). In fact, there are other variations of the import syntax.

When you import a module, Python will interpret and execute any code in it.

Consider this student module being imported into the course module.


def describe(name):
    print(name, 'is a student')



import student


Betty is a student
Adam is a student

Notice how the output contains Betty is a student. That is because the line describe('Betty') in is being executed as the student module is being imported.

To prevent execution of statements in an imported module, nest such statements under a if __name__ == "__main__": block.

In the code below, the student module can be executed to get the following output.


def describe(name):
    print(name, 'is a student')

if __name__ == "__main__":

Betty is a student

When the student module is imported to another module, describe('Betty') line is no longer executed.


import student


Adam is a student