This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 8 [Mon, Mar 6th] - Programming Topics

Guidance for the item(s) below:

So far, we have been using simple objects provided by Python (e.g., str, int, bool) and putting them into lists, dictionaries (which are objects themselves), and combinations of the two (e.g., a list of dictionaries) to arrange our data.

It is now time to learn how to define our own classes so that we can create objects that match our needs e.g., to use Task objects to represent a task in Monty, instead of using a list such as ["read book", True].

Before reading the section below which explains how to write Python classes, read the SE topic OOP: Basics get a general idea about classes.


Object-Oriented Programming


You can define your own classes (i.e., object types) in Python, which can then be used alongside the built-in classes such as list, int, str, etc.

The syntax for defining a class:

class ClassName:
  # <statement-1>
  # <statement-N>

It is customary to use Upper Camel Case for class names.

The syntax for creating (also called instantiating) an object of the class is ClassName().

The code below defines a class named Employee, creates two employee objects, and prints the class/type of each object.

class Employee:
  pass # an empty class

john = Employee() # create an Employee object
print(type(john)) # print type of the john object
alice = Employee()

Note how the type of each object is given as <class 'Employee'> i.e., a class with name Employee.

<class 'Employee'>
<class 'Employee'>

You can add methods to the class by defining them inside the class definition. Note that a method of a class always take self as the first parameter. self refers to the object itself. When calling the method, there is no need to supply an argument for the self parameter as the target object is implicitly taken as the argument for that parameter.

Consider the code below:

class Pen:
  def write(self, text):
    print('writing:', text)
p = Pen()
p.write('It was a dark night ...')

writing: It was a dark night ...

write(self, text) method is called as p.write('It was a dark night ...').
This is how the arguments are matched with the parameters:

  • selfp
  • text'It was a dark night ...'

You can specify how to initialize an object of a class by defining an __init__() method in the class. Here are the important things to note about the __init__() method:

  1. There are two underscores in front and two behind the word init.
  2. It will be called every time you create an instance of the class.
  3. If it has parameters, you need to provide arguments for those parameters when you instantiate an object of that class.

This example shows an __init__ method added to a Person class.

class Person:
  def __init__(self, name):
    print(name, 'initialized!')
tom = Person('Tom')

Tom initialized!

An object can have attributes i.e., values attached to the object, just as an object can have methods. Attributes and methods of an object can be accessed using the objectname. syntax, as you did with objects of built-in classes.

This example shows accessing the get_age() method and the birthday attribute of an object x.



The code within a class needs to use the self. to refer to its own attributes and methods. Furthermore, the best place to initialize attributes is the __init__() method.

Note how the __init__() method of the Book class initializes its two attributes and calls another of its own methods i.e., self.describe().

class Book:
  def __init__(self, book_title, book_author):
    self.title = book_title # initialize attribute title = book_author # initialize attribute author
    self.describe() # call another method of the class
  def describe(self):
    # print attributes of the object
    print('Book info:', self.title, '/by', 
book1 = Book('The Jungle Book', 'Leo Tolstoy')
book2 = Book('The Art of War', 'Sun Tzu')

print()  # print a blank line
print('Title:', book1.title) 

Book info: The Jungle Book /by Leo Tolstoy
Book info: The Art of War /by Sun Tzu

Title: The Jungle Book
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Book info: The Jungle Book /by Leo Tolstoy

You can get your classes to work with each other.

In this example we define a ReadingList class that can store a list of Book objects.

class ReadingList:
  def __init__(self, initial_list):
    self.books = initial_list
  def add_book(self, book):
  def show_authors(self):
    for b in self.books:
my_list = ReadingList([book1]) # book1 defined in a previous example 
my_list.add_book(book2) # book2 defined in a previous example

Leo Tolstoy
Sun Tzu

Exercise: Create StockItem Class

Exercise : Create StockItem Class

Define the StockItem class missing in the code below so that the code produces the output given on the right.

# ADD StockItem class here
# It should have an attribute: name
# It should have a method: info()

a = StockItem('Apple')
b = StockItem('Bag of Beans')
print( = 'Bananas'

Item info: Apple
Item info: Bag of Beans
Item info: Bananas

Partial solution

Exercise: StockItem with Price

Exercise : StockItem with Price

Enhance the StockItem class you wrote in the previous exercise so that each StockItem object can keep track of its own price and the price can be increased later.

# ADD StockItem class here
# It should have attributes: name, price
# It should have methods: info, increase_price

items = []
items.append(StockItem('Pen', 5))  # a pen worth 5 dollars
items.append(StockItem('Pencil', 3))
items.append(StockItem('Cup', 1))
for item in items:
    item.increase_price(1)  # increase price by 1

The price of Pen is 6
The price of Pencil is 4
The price of Cup is 2

Guidance for the item(s) below:

Next, let's learn how to install and use third-party libraries so that you can use even more functionality than those Python provides by default.


Appendix A: Installing 3rd-Party Modules

In addition to built-in modules you get with Python by default, there are many modules written by others that you can make use of. You can install third-party modules using Python’s pip tool. This tool downloads and installs Python modules onto your computer from (aka PyPi or Python Package Index).

First, ensure that you have pip installed by running this command in a command shell (not Python interpreter shell), which should print out the version of the pip tool you have.

pip --version

After that, to install a third-party module (or packages as they are sometimes called), you can run the pip install {packagename} command.

The example below shows how to install the colorama module that allows you to colorize text printed out to the console.

pip install colorama

Collecting colorama
  Downloading colorama-0.3.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: colorama
Successfully installed colorama-0.3.9

After installing colorama, you can import it into your code and use its features to print colorized text.

import colorama

colorama.init()  # one-time initialization

print(colorama.Fore.YELLOW + ' Some yellow text')
print(colorama.Fore.BLUE + colorama.Back.WHITE + ' Some blue text in a white background')
print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + ' Back to normal now')

Some useful third-party modules:

  • colorama: For colorizing text printed in the console
  • selenium: For automating the Browser
  • pyzmail: For sending emails
  • twilio: For sending SMS
  • PyPDF2: For working with PDF files
  • pyperclip: To access the clipboard of the operating system
  • dateparser: To parse natural language repsentation of dates e.g., in 2 days, tomorrow


Exercise: Print Errors in Red

Exercise : Print Errors In Red

Update a CLI program you have written in the past to print error messages in red color.

Colorama module does not work in, or inside PyCharm. You'll need to run the program in a normal command shell to see the colors.