This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 10 [Mon, Mar 20th] - SE Topics

Detailed Table of Contents

Guidance for the item(s) below:

Let's learn the important OOP concept of inheritance this week, together with how to show it in UML class diagrams.

[W10.1] OOP and UML Class/Object Diagrams: Inheritance



Paradigms → OOP → Inheritance → What

Can explain the meaning of inheritance

The OOP concept Inheritance allows you to define a new class based on an existing class.

For example, you can use inheritance to define an EvaluationReport class based on an existing Report class so that the EvaluationReport class does not have to duplicate data/behaviors that are already implemented in the Report class. The EvaluationReport can inherit the wordCount attribute and the print() method from the base class Report.

  • Other names for Base class: Parent class, Superclass
  • Other names for Derived class: Child class, Subclass, Extended class

A superclass is said to be more general than the subclass. Conversely, a subclass is said to be more specialized than the superclass.

Applying inheritance on a group of similar classes can result in the common parts among classes being extracted into more general classes.

Man and Woman behave the same way for certain things. However, the two classes cannot be simply replaced with a more general class Person because of the need to distinguish between Man and Woman for certain other things. A solution is to add the Person class as a superclass (to contain the code common to men and women) and let Man and Woman inherit from Person class.

Inheritance implies the derived class can be considered as a sub-type of the base class (and the base class is a super-type of the derived class), resulting in an is a relationship.

Inheritance does not necessarily mean a sub-type relationship exists. However, the two often go hand-in-hand. For simplicity, at this point let us assume inheritance implies a sub-type relationship.

To continue the previous example,

  • Woman is a Person
  • Man is a Person

Inheritance relationships through a chain of classes can result in inheritance hierarchies (aka inheritance trees).

Two inheritance hierarchies/trees are given below. Note that the triangle points to the parent class. Observe how the Parrot is a Bird as well as it is an Animal.

Multiple Inheritance is when a class inherits directly from multiple classes. Multiple inheritance among classes is allowed in some languages (e.g., Python, C++) but not in other languages (e.g., Java, C#).

The Honey class inherits from the Food class and the Medicine class because honey can be consumed as a food as well as a medicine (in some oriental medicine practices). Similarly, a Car is a Vehicle, an Asset and a Liability.



Tools → UML → Class Diagrams → Inheritance → Inheritance

Can interpret class inheritance in class diagrams

You can use a triangle and a solid line (not to be confused with an arrow) to indicate class inheritance.


Examples: The Car class inherits from the Vehicle class. The Cat and Dog classes inherit from the Pet class.


Paradigms → OOP → Inheritance → Overloading

Can explain method overloading

Method overloading is when there are multiple methods with the same name but different type signatures. Overloading is used to indicate that multiple operations do similar things but take different parameters.

Type signature: The type signature of an operation is the type sequence of the parameters. The return type and parameter names are not part of the type signature. However, the parameter order is significant.


Method Type Signature
int add(int X, int Y) (int, int)
void add(int A, int B) (int, int)
void m(int X, double Y) (int, double)
void m(double X, int Y) (double, int)

In the case below, the calculate method is overloaded because the two methods have the same name but different type signatures (String) and (int).

  • calculate(String): void
  • calculate(int): void


Paradigms → OOP → Inheritance → Overriding

OOP → Inheritance → What

Can explain method overriding

Method overriding is when a sub-class changes the behavior inherited from the parent class by re-implementing the method. Overridden methods have the same name, same type signature, and same return type.

Consider the following case of EvaluationReport class inheriting the Report class:

Report methods EvaluationReport methods Overrides?
print() print() Yes
write(String) write(String) Yes
read():String read(int):String No. Reason: the two methods have different signatures; This is a case of overloading (rather than overriding).


Guidance for the item(s) below:

Next, we cover some additional class/object diagram notations used to show different types of relationships in class/object diagrams.

[W10.2] UML Class/Object Diagrams: Composition, Aggregation, Dependencies



Paradigms → OOP → Associations → Composition

Can explain the meaning of composition

A composition is an association that represents a strong whole-part relationship. When the whole is destroyed, parts are destroyed too i.e., the part should not exist without being attached to a whole.

A Board (used for playing board games) consists of Square objects.

Composition also implies that there cannot be cyclical links.

The ‘sub-folder’ association between Folder objects is a composition type association. That means if the Folder object foo is a sub-folder of Folder object bar, bar cannot be a sub-folder of foo.

Whether a relationship is a composition can depend on the context.

Is the relationship between Email and EmailSubject composition? That is, is the email subject part of an email to the extent that an email subject cannot exist without an email?

  • When modeling an application that sends emails, the answer is 'yes'.
  • When modeling an application that gather analytics about email traffic, the answer may be 'no' (e.g., the application might collect just the email subjects for text analysis).

A common use of composition is when parts of a big class are carved out as smaller classes for the ease of managing the internal design. In such cases, the classes extracted out still act as parts of the bigger class and the outside world has no business knowing about them.

Cascading deletion alone is not sufficient for composition. Suppose there is a design in which Person objects are attached to Task objects and the former get deleted whenever the latter is deleted. This fact alone does not mean there is a composition relationship between the two classes. For it to be composition, a Person must be an integral part of a Task in the context of that association, at the concept level (not simply at implementation level).

Identifying and keeping track of composition relationships in the design has benefits such as helping to maintain the data integrity of the system. For example, when you know that a certain relationship is a composition, you can take extra care in your implementation to ensure that when the whole object is deleted, all its parts are deleted too.

Implementing composition

Composition is implemented using a normal variable. If correctly implemented, the ‘part’ object will be deleted when the ‘whole’ object is deleted. Ideally, the ‘part’ object may not even be visible to clients of the ‘whole’ object.

class Email {
    private Subject subject;
class Email:

  def __init__(self):
    self.__subject = Subject()

In this code, the Email has a composition type relationship with the Subject class, in the sense that the subject is part of the email.


Tools → UML → Class Diagrams → Composition → Composition

Can interpret composition in class diagrams

UML uses a solid diamond symbol to denote composition.


A Book consists of Chapter objects. When the Book object is destroyed, its Chapter objects are destroyed too.


Paradigms → OOP → Associations → Aggregation

Can explain the meaning of aggregations

Aggregation represents a container-contained relationship. It is a weaker relationship than composition.

SportsClub can act as a container for Person objects who are members of the club. Person objects can survive without a SportsClub object.

Implementing aggregation

Implementation is similar to that of composition except the containee object can exist even after the container object is deleted.

In the code below, there is an aggregation association between the Team class and the Person class in that a Team contains a Person object who is the leader of the team.

class Team {
    Person leader;
    void setLeader(Person p) {
        leader = p;
class Team:
  def __init__(self):
    self.__leader = None
  def set_leader(self, person):
    self.__leader = person


Tools → UML → Class Diagrams → Aggregation → Aggregation

Can interpret aggregation in class diagrams

UML uses a hollow diamond to indicate an aggregation.



Aggregation vs Composition

The distinction between composition (◆) and aggregation (◇) is rather blurred. Martin Fowler’s famous book UML Distilled advocates omitting the aggregation symbol altogether because using it adds more confusion than clarity.



Paradigms → OOP → Associations → Dependencies

Can explain dependencies among classes

In the context of OOP associations, a dependency is a need for one class to depend on another without having a direct association in the same direction. Reason for the exclusion: If there is an association from class Foo to class Bar (i.e., navigable from Foo to Bar), that means Foo is obviously dependent on Bar and hence there is no point in mentioning dependency specifically. In other words, we are only concerned about non-obvious dependencies here. One cause of such dependencies is interactions between objects that do not have a long-term link between them.

A Course class can have a dependency on a Registrar class because the Course class needs to refer to the Registrar class to obtain the the maximum number of students it can support (e.g., Registrar.MAX_COURSE_CAPACITY).

In the code below, Foo has a dependency on Bar but it is not an association because it is only a interaction and there is no long term relationship between a Foo object and a Bar object. i.e. the Foo object does not keep the Bar object it receives as a parameter.

class Foo {
    int calculate(Bar bar) {
        return bar.getValue();

class Bar {
    int value;
    int getValue() {
        return value;
class Foo:
    def calculate(self, bar):
        return bar.value;

class Bar:
    def __init__(self, value):
      self.value = value


Tools → UML → Class Diagrams → Dependencies → Dependencies

Can use dependencies in a class diagram

UML uses a dashed arrow to show dependencies.

Two examples of dependencies:

Dependencies vs associations:

  • An association is a relationship resulting from one object keeping a reference to another object (i.e., storing an object in an instance variable). While such a relationship forms a dependency, we need not show that as a dependency arrow in the class diagram if the association is already indicated in the diagram. That is, showing a dependency arrow does not add any value to the diagram.
    Similarly, an inheritance results in a dependency from the child class to the parent class but we don't show it as a dependency arrow either, for the same reason as above.
  • Use a dependency arrow to indicate a dependency only if that dependency is not already captured by the diagram in another way (for instance, as an association or an inheritance) e.g., class Foo accessing a constant in Bar but there is no association/inheritance from Foo to Bar.

Follow up notes for the item(s) above:

After learning the UML syntax in the section above, you can try the worked example given below. It's even better if you do the Week 10 - Quiz (Part I) (on Canvas) before watching the video below:


After watching the above example, you can try this exercise. The answer will be given during the following lecture.

Exercise: Draw class/object diagrams for HouseManager code

Guidance for the item(s) below:

Let's also have a brief look at various types of testing that is done in software projects, as you will be learning how to do one of them using Python in this week too.

[W10.3] Types of Testing


Developer Testing


Quality Assurance → Testing → Developer Testing → What

Can explain developer testing

Developer testing is the testing done by the developers themselves as opposed to professional testers or end-users.


Quality Assurance → Testing → Developer Testing → Why

Unit Testing


Quality Assurance → Testing → Unit Testing → What

Can explain unit testing

Unit testing: testing individual units (methods, classes, subsystems, ...) to ensure each piece works correctly.

In OOP code, it is common to write one or more unit tests for each public method of a class.

Here are the code skeletons for a Foo class containing two methods and a FooTest class that contains unit tests for those two methods.

class Foo {
    String read() {
        // ...
    void write(String input) {
        // ...
class FooTest {
    void read() {
        // a unit test for Foo#read() method
    void write_emptyInput_exceptionThrown() {
        // a unit tests for Foo#write(String) method
    void write_normalInput_writtenCorrectly() {
        // another unit tests for Foo#write(String) method
import unittest

class Foo:
  def read(self):
      # ...
  def write(self, input):
      # ...

class FooTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_read(self):
      # a unit test for read() method
  def test_write_emptyIntput_ignored(self):
      # a unit test for write(string) method
  def test_write_normalInput_writtenCorrectly(self):
      # another unit test for write(string) method


Integration Testing


Quality Assurance → Testing → Integration Testing → What

Quality Assurance → Testing → Unit Testing → What →

Can explain integration testing

Integration testing : testing whether different parts of the software work together (i.e. integrates) as expected. Integration tests aim to discover bugs in the 'glue code' related to how components interact with each other. These bugs are often the result of misunderstanding what the parts are supposed to do vs what the parts are actually doing.

Suppose a class Car uses classes Engine and Wheel. If the Car class assumed a Wheel can support a speed of up to 200 mph but the actual Wheel can only support a speed of up to 150 mph, it is the integration test that is supposed to uncover this discrepancy.

System Testing


Quality Assurance → Testing → System Testing → What

Can explain system testing

System testing: take the whole system and test it against the system specification.

System testing is typically done by a testing team (also called a QA team).

System test cases are based on the specified external behavior of the system. Sometimes, system tests go beyond the bounds defined in the specification. This is useful when testing that the system fails 'gracefully' when pushed beyond its limits.

Suppose the SUT is a browser that is supposedly capable of handling web pages containing up to 5000 characters. Given below is a test case to test if the SUT fails gracefully if pushed beyond its limits.

Test case: load a web page that is too big
* Input: loads a web page containing more than 5000 characters.
* Expected behavior: aborts the loading of the page
  and shows a meaningful error message.

This test case would fail if the browser attempted to load the large file anyway and crashed.

System testing includes testing against non-functional requirements too. Here are some examples:

  • Performance testing – to ensure the system responds quickly.
  • Load testing (also called stress testing or scalability testing) – to ensure the system can work under heavy load.
  • Security testing – to test how secure the system is.
  • Compatibility testing, interoperability testing – to check whether the system can work with other systems.
  • Usability testing – to test how easy it is to use the system.
  • Portability testing – to test whether the system works on different platforms.

Acceptance Testing


Quality Assurance → Testing → Acceptance Testing → What

Can explain acceptance testing

Acceptance testing (aka User Acceptance Testing (UAT): test the system to ensure it meets the user requirements.

Acceptance tests give an assurance to the customer that the system does what it is intended to do. Acceptance test cases are often defined at the beginning of the project, usually based on the use case specification. Successful completion of UAT is often a prerequisite to the project sign-off.


Quality Assurance → Testing → Acceptance Testing → Acceptance versus system testing

Can explain the differences between system testing and acceptance testing

Acceptance testing comes after system testing. Similar to system testing, acceptance testing involves testing the whole system.

Some differences between system testing and acceptance testing:

System Testing Acceptance Testing
Done against the system specification Done against the requirements specification
Done by testers of the project team Done by a team that represents the customer
Done on the development environment or a test bed Done on the deployment site or on a close simulation of the deployment site
Both negative and positive test cases More focus on positive test cases

Note: negative test cases: cases where the SUT is not expected to work normally e.g. incorrect inputs; positive test cases: cases where the SUT is expected to work normally

Requirement specification versus system specification

The requirement specification need not be the same as the system specification. Some example differences:

Requirements specification System specification
limited to how the system behaves in normal working conditions can also include details on how it will fail gracefully when pushed beyond limits, how to recover, etc. specification
written in terms of problems that need to be solved (e.g. provide a method to locate an email quickly) written in terms of how the system solves those problems (e.g. explain the email search feature)
specifies the interface available for intended end-users could contain additional APIs not available for end-users (for the use of developers/testers)

However, in many cases one document serves as both a requirement specification and a system specification.

Passing system tests does not necessarily mean passing acceptance testing. Some examples:

  • The system might work on the testbed environments but might not work the same way in the deployment environment, due to subtle differences between the two environments.
  • The system might conform to the system specification but could fail to solve the problem it was supposed to solve for the user, due to flaws in the system design.


Alpha/Beta Testing


Quality Assurance → Testing → Alpha/Beta Testing → What

Can explain alpha and beta testing

Alpha testing is performed by the users, under controlled conditions set by the software development team.

Beta testing is performed by a selected subset of target users of the system in their natural work setting.

An open beta release is the release of not-yet-production-quality-but-almost-there software to the general population. For example, Google’s Gmail was in 'beta' for many years before the label was finally removed.